So, we had our game plan appointment. Overall, Amy, myself and our doctor are on the same page that January is the time to try. We have a few things left to do before then. We have to do our PsychSocial, and we have to narrow down the donors to present at our donor party for votes. Then we have to actually pick a donor, get the sperm. On the way there I personally will be meeting with lawyers to get everything squared away for adopting our baby so that all the states in the land have to acknowledge my rights, whether they acknowledge our marriage or not. We will continue to strive for optimal baby making circumstances and work towards our personal goals so we don't have to push it, January will be the month. Okay. So, yeah, I mean, Okay.
What I love so far is that I think this is the only time I have every heard anyone tell Amy on such a consistent basis how normal she is. You sill never catch me saying that, or really anyone who you know, knows her. We know how crazy, little OCD, very type A she is. For the most part, everyone accepts and loves her either for it or in spite of it. It is however amusing to me to hear her referred to as absolutely normal. Well...yay? Okay. We are normal, levels are normal, egg reserves are normal. Check, check, check. We are in a good spot there. If only it wasn't for the one ingredient you must have to get pregnant that no matter what neither of us have got - sperm. I guess that is going to be the biggest thing. The PsychSocial is really just a check in we have to do in NYS because we are using donor sperm. If you are gay, straight, single, anything and using donor sperm or eggs you have to do this. It is simply to make sure everyone is on the same page. I am fine with this. I find the whole lawyer thing annoying, and yet another example of how unfair and messed up civil rights in this country are, but this is not the blog I will have that rant on. I will keep my crazy ranting on my personal blog and move on quickly.
So that is it. We are honestly down to the homestretch with a game plan in place that Amy agrees on, I agree on and our doctor agrees on. Of course I haven't mentioned the hardest part. Telling the current fur babies about the game plan. Also, telling them that their days with a room known as the Cat Room, set up with their litter boxes, toys, and two Twin beds, made at all times, with sheets, pillows in pillow cases, blankets, quilts and a stuffed minion per bed they are all known to cuddle with at different times is rapidly coming to an end. I feel this is not going to go over well. No, we are not getting rid of any of our cats. We will tent the crib, hell I will put a screen door on the nursery if I have to and pray to all the Gods of the land, of past, current and future beliefs that Baby Marlette isn't allergic. We will make it work. Crazy Cat Ladies that we are, we aren't planning on saying goodbye without exercising all methods at our disposal to make it work, so I feel soon our house will have us, cats and baby coexisting if not well, at least making it happen. We are coming up on the final stretch of the preparation, almost game time.
Gulp. So, apparently this is when my panic will set in. Amy and I have been together for a long time. We know how this is going to go. Amy will labor under the delusion she is going to be a happy pregnant person, and I will let her though I and many others know the truth. However, there is one thing that Amy and I totally agree on. During the what she is now calling Baby-making Train, I will be the wreck. I will be panicky that it isn't going to take, and that she will be devastated. When the test is positive, I will be sure that it is wrong until the doctor confirms it. Then the crazy train will truly take off. It will be interesting. I am looking into if wrapping Amy in bubble wrap will truly make her safer or if it will just give me peace of mind. I am also wondering if I can actually convince to wear it willingly or if I will have to trick her. I think it will be the latter. I am also wondering how life in a bubble for 9 months would work for her...I think it would be the best way for me to carry on without bothering her to the point of her ripping my head off of my shoulders and playing soccer with it. I am fully willing to admit that I will be a nervous wreck during the pregnancy. Amy and I are both willing to bet that as soon as her water breaks, we will shift roles. This is just based on history, and it will be interesting to see if it holds true.
So, here we go, into the final parts of the prep. I am excited, nervous and determined. I am thankful for all of you that have been on this ride with us so far, and hope you are ready for whats ahead, because again, if history holds true, it still hasn't hit the Amy and Heather interesting stride.
Join us in the newest Amy & Heather adventure. In our nine year relationship, we have been through a long distance relationship, parents having blood clots, heart attacks, lung cancer, sibling rivalries, a hard job market, finding ourselves after college, moving in/living together, engagement, planning and executing a wedding, a horrific honeymoon and more. Up to now only those close to us have been able to watch the entertainment that is us dealing with life...but for this experience we will be taking it viral....